02114 - 276112 or sadhanacourse@gmail.com or +91 76205 98025


No Courses from 30th April 2024 to 31st December 2024 due to Major Repairs at the Institute.

Welcome to Sadhana Institute!

Sadhana, a Sanskrit word rich in meaning and challenging in its implications, is vital to Indian spirituality. It means an instrument, a way to attain our goal, the spiritual means we adopt, the sacred path we walk. Over the years this word has also meant for us our inner quest, our being on the way, our willingness to be led. That is why we understand that Sadhana is every means we employ for finding inner freedom, for attaining wholeness and integration and for discovering the divine in all things and all things in the divine.

Our Programs for 2025-26

Tanmaya Sadhana (Jan 6 - Feb 28)

(Age Group 35 – 50)

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This renewal course aims to help participants to become aware of the potential they have for wholeness and to move towards becoming one’s unique person (Tanmaya). The course will begin with basic orientation and community building sessions followed by a Journal retreat that sets the tone of silence and awareness for what follows, namely, (a) intense inner process work that helps participants to look at the factors that hinder the call and task to become more and more one’s own true self; (b) reflection, sharing, and discussion on Human Sexuality and Affectivity that gives the participants the opportunities for personal exploration as to how one’s affective energies can be channeled for mature and fulfilling relationships and be at the service of a deeper spiritual life; (c) communication skills that will help participants to become aware of their unhealthy communication patterns and to initiate new ways of communicating—expressing themselves with honesty and clarity, while simultaneously paying others a respectful and empathic attention and; (d) reflection on Psycho-Spiritual Maturity as manifested in one’s attitudes and behaviors  . The course will end with a few days of reflecting together on the new orientations to life the participants are beginning to experience and the new behavior patterns they are ready to initiate.

Vipassana (March 8 - 19)

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Vipassana is a simple and direct practice of moment- to- moment observation of the mind-body process through calm and focussed awareness. Observing experiences from a place of stillness enables us to relate to life with less fear and clinging. Seeing the reality of constant change, we begin to accept all aspects of our life with increasing equanimity. Deepening insight helps us see the totality of our being and experience life with greater clarity, wisdom, and compassion.

Personal Growth Group (March 23 - April 12)

(Age Group 35 – 45)

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This relatively short course offers an opportunity for personal growth and inner healing through intensive inner process work in a group setting. Participants are helped to examine their self-defeating attitudes, behaviour patterns and emotional reactions that prevent them from moving forward in life and to tap their healing potential. A readiness for self-disclosure, desire for inner healing and compassionate self-regard enable participants to derive maximum benefit from the course.

Meaning-seeking Mid Years (April 28 - June 28)

(Age Group 45 – 60)

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The middle years are a special meaning-seeking stage when one tries to harness together one’s scattered and underutilized resources from earlier stages of development and to direct them towards a more fulfilling second half of living. This course aims to help the participants to enter more consciously and deliberately into this transforming stage finding newer levels of integration.

Tanmaya Sadhana (Sept 1 - Oct 31)

(Age Group 35 – 50)

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This renewal course aims to help participants to become aware of the potential they have for wholeness and to move towards becoming one’s unique person (Tanmaya). The course will begin with basic orientation and community building sessions followed by a Journal retreat that sets the tone of silence and awareness for what follows, namely, (a) intense inner process work that helps participants to look at the factors that hinder the call and task to become more and more one’s own true self; (b) reflection, sharing, and discussion on Human Sexuality and Affectivity that gives the participants the opportunities for personal exploration as to how one’s affective energies can be channeled for mature and fulfilling relationships and be at the service of a deeper spiritual life; (c) communication skills that will help participants to become aware of their unhealthy communication patterns and to initiate new ways of communicating—expressing themselves with honesty and clarity, while simultaneously paying others a respectful and empathic attention and; (d) reflection on Psycho-Spiritual Maturity as manifested in one’s attitudes and behaviors  . The course will end with a few days of reflecting together on the new orientations to life the participants are beginning to experience and the new behavior patterns they are ready to initiate.

Integral Formative Guidance (2025 Sept 1 - 2026 April 25)

(Age Group 35 – 45)

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The Integral Formative Guidance course is explicitly meant for Religious Men and women who are already in, or are preparing themselves to be in, early-stage-formation work (candidacy, pre-novitiate, Novitiate, Minor Seminary etc.). The aim of the course is to train formators who are sufficiently self-aware and competent given the challenges they are likely to face in formation work. The course is designed keeping in mind that the formators will need to be familiar with and equipped to address the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and developmental needs of those in their care.


The course has two major parts. The first part focuses on personal renewal and the participants go through the basic components of the Tanmaya Sadhana renewal course. The second part focuses on skills training with components like basic counseling skills, stages of human development, Family Systems Theories, Personality Theories, Personality Disorders, Self-Esteem, Discernment, Spiritual Direction, etc. (A Bachelor’s level college degree or equivalent will be essential for admission.)

Personal Growth Group (Nov 17 - Dec 12)

(Age Group 40 – 50)

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This relatively short course offers an opportunity for personal growth and inner healing through intensive inner process work in a group setting. Participants are helped to examine their self-defeating attitudes, behaviour patterns and emotional reactions that prevent them from moving forward in life and to tap their healing potential. A readiness for self-disclosure, desire for inner healing and compassionate self-regard enable participants to derive maximum benefit from the course.

Programs for 2024

Tanmaya Program


1. Arrival: 1 Sept – Departure: 6 Oct, 2024

2. Arrival: 24 Oct – Departure: 24 Nov, 2024


Jharna Spirituality Centre Namkum, Ranchi.

For Information & Registration, Please contact

Fr. Camil Kerketta SJ – Email: camilsj124@gmail.com, Mobile: 9955936920

Communication for Effective Community Life


1 – 10 June, 2024


Arrupe Renewal Centre (ARC), Mawshohroh, Meghalaya

For Information & Registration, Please contact

Fr. Arul Susai SJ – Email: arruperenewal@gmail.com, Mobile: 8811060345, (WhatsApp): 9435559776


Psycho-Spiritual Integration


30 June – 4 August, 2024


Inigo Bhavan, Matigara, West Bengal

For Information & Registration, Please contact

Fr. Xavier Alangaram, SJ – Email: axaviersj@gmail.com, Mobile: 9679323924

Accompanying the young in Affective Maturity


9 – 25 August, 2024


Arrupe Renewal Centre (ARC), Mawshohroh, Meghalaya

For Information & Registration, Please contact

Fr. Arul Susai SJ – Email: arruperenewal@gmail.com, Mobile: 8811060345, (WhatsApp): 9435559776